It's a reality that any kind of Black Market should be fought, not only by individual awareness, but also by public legislations and prosecutions, so a fundamental question is: what are out authorities doig in order to stop, or at least regulate and prosecute, organ trafficking around Mexican territory?
During Calderon's government's period, it was known that the country entered to a "war" against drugs trafficking, but what about other kind of crimes of the same type? Well in the case of Organ Trafficking, several legislations of existant laws were accomplished, but probably the best achievement of the Legislative Power was to create a new law that encompass clasiffication and punishment of several kinds of organized crime: “Ley
General para Prevenir, Sancionar y Erradicar los Delitos en Materia de Trata de
Personas y para la Protección y Asistencia a Las Víctimas de Estos Delitos”.
The most relevant ponit concerning the main topic of our blog is that, this law establishes that if
someone extracts, removes or obtains the tissue or organ of an alive human,
without including the legal procedures, in which the person that will get rid
of his/her organ agrees, the punishment will be from 15 up to 25 years in jail
and a penalty from two thousand up to three thousand days of wage.
For further information about the new law consult:
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