Reasons of a Dark Market

Many people all around the world, especially if they are in circumstances of low resources, suffer of kidnapping and get murdered in the way that organs traffickers take as much organs they want and sell them to the person who pays them the most in the black market; however, in many cases people agree to sell their organs because of their lack of knowledge.

Since the point of view of trade, we can justify the existance of Organ Trafficking as the increasing demand of itself; let's remember that if we have a constant demandinf factor of any product there will always be suppliers competing for satisfying it.

Taking as a base the poin previously mentioned, it's important to know that the lack of Organ's Donations increases the possibility of having this illegal market alive for, probably, decades until technology and medical improvement allow us to developed different alternatives for the lack of a sick organ. Meanwhile, there's no other way to combat this and other kind of Human Trafficking but by ethic principles and veridic information,

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